Let us consider a beam with hollow rectangular cross section with outside length as D and inner length as d outside breadth as B and inner breadth as b. Section modulus is a geometric property for a given cross-section used in the design of beams or flexural members. Rectangular Tube Section Formulas Mechanical Engineering Design Civil Engineering Design Physics And Mathematics 1 Elastic section modulus- The elastic section modulus is applicable up to the yield point of material. . For rectangular cross sections the maximum shear stress which occurs at the neutral axis becomes. It is used in most engineering applications. Volume with cross sections. Master geometry and 4000 other basic math skills. For the a rectangle the most distant fibers from the x axis are those at the top and bottom edge b with a distance equal to h2. The area of one square cross section is 4 - y2 - - 4 - y22. Hollow beams are used t...